Are all your products always available?

Availability of our products, especially imported items, is subject to availability. While we strive to keep a wide range of products in stock, there may be instances where certain imported items are temporarily out of stock due to various factors. We recommend checking the product availability on our website or contacting our customer support for the most up-to-date information. If you want to delete your account, please contact our Customer Service where an adviser will assist you with the steps to follow.

Do you offer Cash on Delivery (COD) for all cities?

We do not have Cash on Delivery (COD) available in all cities. However, in most cases, we do not require advance payment either. We offer convenient payment options, including online payment methods, to ensure a seamless and secure purchasing experience. Please check the available payment options during the checkout process on our website.

How long does it take for Westchester's own production items to be ready and delivered?

For our own production items, such as the tripod lamp, please allow up to a week for the item to be prepared and delivered. We take pride in ensuring the highest quality, and the additional time is required to meticulously assemble and package the lamp for a safe and secure delivery.

What should I do if there is damage to the shade upon delivery?

If you notice any damage to the shade upon delivery, please report it immediately. All our items are insured by the shipping partner, and we will request reimbursement for any damages that occur during transit. However, please note that prompt reporting is crucial. In case of a delay from the customer’s end to report the damage, we may not be able to take responsibility for the reimbursement.

How is the tripod lamp delivered?

The tripod lamp is delivered in two parts for your convenience and to avoid any damage during transportation. The shades, wires, and holders will be delivered separately, while the wooden base will be delivered separately as well. The tripod will be disassembled and numbered. Please follow the numbers provided to assemble the lamp. If you face any issues during assembly, reach out to us on WhatsApp at 03049990059, and we will provide you with a video guide. Please note that the video guide cannot be sent via WhatsApp due to its large file size. Instead, we will share a drive link for your reference.

Do you ship internationally?

Yes, we offer international shipping for our products. However, please note that shipping costs and delivery times may vary depending on the destination. We recommend contacting our customer support or checking the shipping information provided during the checkout process for specific details related to international shipping.

Can I cancel or modify my order?

We understand that circumstances may change, and you may need to cancel or modify your order. If you wish to make any changes, including canceling or modifying your order, please contact our customer support as soon as possible. We will do our best to accommodate your request, but please note that order cancellations or modifications may not be possible once the item has been shipped.

How can I contact your customer support?

You can reach our customer support team through various channels. For general inquiries, product information, or assistance, you can contact us via email at support@westchesterlamps.com or reach out to us on WhatsApp at 03049990059. Our customer support team is available during our business hours to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have.